V Steam - Mild Cleansing
30 MINUTES $45
This mild cleansing of the uterus will lengthen the menstrual cycles and stop fresh spotting or interim bleeding. The herbs used are citrus peel, astragalus, peppermint and additional herbs may be added formulated for clients needs.
V Steam - Hygiene Cleansing
30 MINUTES $55
This V steaming promotes circulation, balance the vaginal flora, improve scent, tone skin, clear out excess mucus and nourish the reproductive organs.
V Steam - Calm Cleansing for Hormones
30 MINUTES $50
These herbs are designed for women experiencing night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness or living in hot climates. They will nourish, moisturize and cool down, as well as cleanse the kidneys and provide circulation.
V Steam - Bacterial Cleansing
60 MINUTES $65
These herbs blend are designed for women that have excess cervical mucus and infections or viruses that accompany it. It includes herbs that help to kill bacteria, yeast and viruses while expelling toxins, reducing inflammation, getting rid of excess mucus, deodorizing and resetting the healthy vaginal flora in the reproductive tract. The herbs used are white sage, sophora root, cornsilk and additional herbs based on clients needs